Saturday, March 29, 2014

Inventory Complete

I have reorganized the garage, and the inventory of the Wing and Tail kits is complete.  I didn't count every single small screw but the only discrepancy I could find was an extra hardware bag of a few bolts and washers.

I have settled on what I am going to do for a wing rack.  Planning on using the one that Derek used for his project.

I still need a few tools and need to decide on a drill press.

 Setup is complete for the project start, the Left wing spar is on the bench and just about ready for the start of Chapter 13 :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Kits have arrived!

I guess I got what I wanted, both kits arriving at the same time. 

All three crates arrived in perfect condition via ABF yesterday.  Here is the issue I have:  SPACE.

My plan is to start with the wings first, so that I can build them and get them out of the way as in move them to another garage that I have available (but far away).  My problem is that I don't really have a good place to store all the large skins while I am building other than in the crates.  The crates take up valuable building space.

So I will take a bit as I do inventory to figure out how I am going to juggle all of the pieces here and leave enough room to build.  Good problems to have as they say :)  What I am considering doing is combining the skins into one crate if possible and shelving all of the other parts.  That way at least I can get rid of one crate.  Another alternative will be to inventory the tail kit, and then move that crate to another garage until I am ready for it.

Pictures will be up soon.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

More Prep

Have been cleaning out the garage in preparation for the arrival of the kits this week.  It looks like I will need to unpack and dismantle most of the two large crates so that I can have space for the wing stand when I eventually get to that stage.

The long crate will be able to stay intact out of the way, so most long pieces I can keep in there still until they are needed.  I will figure out what to do with the skins shortly after I see how big each one is.

Have been spending some time figuring out if I want to use the Cleaveland Substructure dies or just get a tank die and use that on the substructure.  I will also need a few more odds and ends, like dies for the screw holes.  I ordered the roloc pads for edge deburring, as a fellow builder recommended them more than the wheel I had been using, especially for the wing ribs.

I have also figured out what I am going to do for the Wing spar prep.  Both my regular EAA table as well as the smaller but same height table I currently have my bandsaw on will go together and will provide enough length for the spar while I am countersinking, etc.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Kits en route already

Just got word from Vans that the kits have shipped, so now I need to get moving on re-organizing the garage/workshop.  It will be tight but because I am starting with the wing kit I should be able to complete those and then move the wings to another location.

I have emailed a few builders to see what they did for the wing stands while building.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Ordered Wing and Empennage Kits

Went ahead and ordered the kits from Vans yesterday.  So far they only have the Wing and Empennage kits available and I was fortunate that they actually have enough parts in stock to be able to ship both right away.  Most of the time there is a lead time on at least the Wing.

I have put the 9A tail kit up for sale on VAF, and this marks the official start of the 14A build. Update: This was sold to a builder from New York and I wish him the best of luck.

The sale of the tail kit was a great experience, unlike the experience I had when I went to purchase an almost complete RV-9A kit.  I ended up having to back out only hours after sending a deposit and the person on VAF kept my deposit after saying he would return it (he had people lined up to purchase this so it went quickly).  I debated posting on VAF to talk about the bad experience but I think I will just keep it to myself for now.  If I see him post anything for sale though I will comment in the post as he is not trustworthy at all.

For those that are curious as to why I am switching, in my case it is the following:

-New builder (have some experience from the prior tail kit) so a quicker more thought out full design does appeal to me.  As much as I like thinking about how I am going to run the wiring, plumbing, etc I am also the type that will quickly fall into analysis paralysis and drag the build out for 4000 hours. If I see something quick and obvious here that is worth deviating for I will but at least the main structures are thought out and in place.  (Example:  I would change the brand of lighting perhaps, but not move it's location completely or even have to figure out where I want to put it)

- Improvement in assembly techniques (both written directions as well as some final drilling done)

- Nosewheel "improvements".  Appeals to me even though I know that many builders say there is no problem with the prior design.

I am planning on building the wings first with the thought that once they are complete I can move them out of the workshop and free up space to work on the Empennage/Fuse which are more related in this design as the Empennage comes with the tailcone.

I am building in one half of a two car garage.  Space will be a challenge but I am able to move the other car outside temporarily when needed to work.