Thursday, April 2, 2015

Project Update

Long time no update!

Now that Spring is here things should start moving with the build.

I have had a series of setbacks which has dampened my enthusiasm but am working towards getting moving again.  Either through lack of attention to detail, or instructions, or both more likely I have had quite a bit of reordering of parts while building the ailerons.

So to summarize where we are:

- Flaps complete

- Wing wiring started

- Purchased safeair kit for pitot, AOA, and static plumbing.  Still deciding on approach for the traditional pitot that ships with the kit.  Most likely going to go with Garmin G3X (or whatever comes after that) so will use the Garmin Heated Pitot/AOA along with a Gretz mast.  I have seen other people mounting the standard unheated on the other wing as a "backup" which I may do but really am trying to avoid going too far off the plans so I keep the build time respectable.

- Tanks are next

Why do I say there have been setbacks?  Have had to reorder multiple parts for the ailerons. 

And the icing on the cake?????

Just as I am riveting the trailing edge on the right aileron, I noticed that there is a gap between the wedge piece and the skins.  At first I tried to convince myself that this was largely a cosmetic issue, and frankly it most likely is however on a part as critical as the ailerons this will keep me up at night.  I have started to drill out the rivets, however it is apparent that this will elongate several holes so I am 99% sure I am going to have to rebuild the right aileron ( ~$250 in parts - LOTS more in pride lost).

This couldn't come at a worse time, as I am about to start the fuel tanks which I have been told are the most demoralizing part of the build and I have read several builder accounts where they say that the closest they came to selling the project and just quitting was during the fuel tanks.

I am remaining positive though.  In the meantime I am now at least VFR current again after the winter, and will soon get an IPC to get me back in the IFR space.  Proficient is another matter, need to make several flights and knock the rust off before I make the journey to Sun and Fun.  I am going to fly my Cherokee from the Northeast down to Lakeland, FL over a couple of days.  Should be fun assuming the weather cooperates!

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