Thursday, November 19, 2020

Inventory complete

I’ve completed the inventory of the kit. I was missing a couple parts, which surprised me but I am sure that given all the backlogs with shipping they are trying to move fast and overlook things. 

I was also shipped a couple pieces of hardware that were incorrect but replacements are on the way as well for those. 

If you are a new builder, my strong suggestion is to make sure you look up each piece of hardware as you inventory it to get familiar with numbers (AN or the evil MS numbering). I was went incorrect rod end bearings, and only noticed because I looked up the part number and saw that it was different than the part I was looking at.

One change I have made for hardware storage this time around and I can’t believe it took me this many kits to do this is to put each different type of part in its own bin. I bought a bunch of drawers and organization cabinets from Harbor Freight. In the past what I have done is either keep the misc hardware in the bags and then go find them on the inventory sheet later when I need them or put them in a drawer but just label it bag xxxx. It is so much easier to separate the different bolts, screws, and misc hardware by part number to find later. Rivets I always kept separate.

Building comes next. I have to complete the repair of the aft fuselage before starting on the actual fuselage kit, so there will be a delay while I do that slightly out of sequence from the instructions. This new kit looks interesting and there are a lot of parts, which means lots of deburring.

Stay tuned.

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Inventory under way!

It’s incredible the amount of parts there are with this kit. This will be a lot more variety than the wing kit for sure.

I ended up building a couple new tables so that has slowed the unpacking down.

Much sturdier table

A little too soon to be thinking about the panel

Friday, November 13, 2020

Fuselage kit has Arrived!

It's here!  I am still building my second new table so I will be opening it up later tonight and taking a look. Old Dominion came through with no damage at all on the outside crate.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Fuselage kit has SHIPPED!

 Exciting news from the mothership. I just received a notice from Old Dominion that the Fuselage kit along with a couple of replacement skins for the tailcone has shipped!

Time to clear out the shop this weekend!


For those that are curious, time from ordering to shipping was 15 weeks. Original quote was 10 weeks, however COVID and the wildfires added an extra five.

Stay tuned!