This summer has been filled with family trips and house projects so the building slowed down unfortunately.
I finally have the tanks in the driveway, and am starting to leak test. So far the results are quite positive but I am having the same difficulties that most people have sealing the filler cap, as well as some of the fittings on the inboard side. Once I fix that, I believe (hope) I will be home free.
I tried to use a bubble leak detector solution that I found at Home Depot, and it works however it is like pouring dish soap on your project. The cleanup is quite large and it has a color to it. I bought two containers of Snoop and I will say it is worth the investment. Much better substance.
More to follow when I make more progress. I have had the aileron on the bench now for two months staring at me waiting for the trailing edge. That is what caused issues for me the last time, specifically drilling out bad rivets enlarged holes. So this time I will spend time reading about better technique. I also invested at Sun and Fun this year in an old small mushroom set, which was some sort of surplus and it seems that it will do just the trick here without denting the trailing edge.